Family run, earth friendly, flower gardens.

Our Story

It all began when I was a little girl. The many photos of me picking flowers on a walk, while my mother and sister patiently wait for me to create my little wildflower bouquet, have carried into my adult life.

As a young adult, I saw the Holland tulip fields in photos for the first time. The way the ground lights up with colors, made me feel something special inside. I wanted to create something like this. I wanted to create something that gives me these feelings of beautiful, happiness.

When I met my partner, he had already purchased a beautiful piece of property in Brewster, Cape Cod where we currently reside. He had ideas of blueberry farming before I came around, this property wants to be worked!

When I had the idea to start a farm on this property, I wasn’t sure exactly what direction I wanted to head in. Our first season, we tore ivy out of our front yard by hand, built a huge, raised bed, and grew vegetables. We had a potted herb garden, and a huge row of sunflowers lining the split rail fence near the roadside.

The sunflowers made not only us beyond happy, but neighbors stopped by constantly to tell us how much they loved looking at our flowers! When I realized that this brings so much joy not only to us, but to others, I knew exactly where I was headed. We are going to flower farm.

The following year, we finished tearing the ivy out of the entire front yard, starting to create a perennial bed, and a bunch of small beds for testing different varieties of flowers. The testing went better than I could have imagined. The flowers and I felt something special. They make me smile every time I walk through. Every time I look down on a full bucket at my feet, I am amazed. These beauties are so unique, and I never seem to tire of looking at them.

I love getting muddy with my son, daughter, and partner. We work hard to make our dreams reality. As we begin to expand, we will be focusing on flower growth for florists, our subscription program, specialty bouquets, and DIY events.

We can’t wait to continue growing and blooming with you, our community, and our farm!

Picked with care

We love our planet. We are earth friendly, and keep our pollinator friends happy!

We use the best quality nutrients and soil around, with no harsh chemical sprays. We ensure that our blooms are all natural and fresh cut for your prolonged enjoyment.

Customer Reviews

“Pure shock, her face was priceless, she was beaming forever! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL bouquet I’ve ever seen. Truly, you have a gift!”

- Larasa M

“I love my bouquets from Cape Cod Flower Farm.

Every week it gets prettier and prettier.”

- Joan B

“These bouquets amaze me more and more every time, they’re all so unique and I’m obsessed.”

- Leah S